NOF offers the Professional Partners Network® (PPN) Directory as a public service to help you find healthcare providers in your area who offer osteoporosis prevention, diagnosis and/or treatment services. The healthcare providers listed in the directory pay an annual fee to be a member of the PPN Directory and each member is able to provide a description of their services to accompany their listing in the directory.
The PPN Directory is not a complete listing of all healthcare providers in any geographic area. Be sure to make appropriate local inquiries about specific qualifications before selecting a provider.
For additional information to help you select a healthcare provider or if you don’t see a healthcare provider listed in your local area please see our guide on choosing a healthcare professional.
If you are a healthcare provider and wish to be included in the PPN Directory, please join NOF’s Professional Partners Network.
Note: NOF does not make representations or guarantees about the qualifications or quality of care provided by any of the healthcare providers or healthcare organizations listed in the directory. NOF does not assess the quality of services offered by the healthcare providers and healthcare organizations listed in the directory. Individuals listed in the directory have simply noted their willingness to be listed and to accept new patients. Listing in the directory is not a recommendation or endorsement of the healthcare provider or organization by the National Osteoporosis Foundation.
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